Trey Poker is another poker game in the Bgaming family. This variant of the world’s renowned cardgame actually includes two different options: Pair Up and Ante.Pair Up is a simple draw and win type of game where the player is dealt 3 cards, with high hopesthere will be a pair or better on the hand. The result of the current deal is revealed instantly, sincethe player sees the entire hand immediately.Ante is a more Poker-style game mode where the player is put against the dealer. Each party isdealt 3 cards and the one who has a better hand wins. Once dealt, the player evaluates the handand either folds to end the round or plays, in which case the playe’s hand is compared with thedealer’s. Whoever collects a stronger hand wins.Since there are only 3 cards dealt per round, combinations collected in a hand are valued a bitdifferent than in more common poker variations: Straight pays out higher than Flush and Three of aKind beats them both.Trey Poker by Bgaming is a “blitz” card game for those who think fast or would love to trainthemselves to!